This is Concepcion Lustre Podador. She was born on December 8, 1988. She was named by her mother CONCEPCION because, her birthday is the same with the FEAST OF THE MOTHER OF IMMACULATE CONCEPCION. My mother told me that when a woman got pregnant, she must have to devote Mother Immaculate Concepcion so that, the delivery of the child is easy.
My best friend is a true friend to me. She is with me in times of ups and downs... She loves me unconditionally... When I was in trouble, sad and lonely; she is always there ready to extend her helping hand, ready to give good advice and ready to listen to me...
She is an everloving friend, friendly and positive person... I learned a lot from her. She study college as a working student in the school. She currently stays now in the dorm with the nuns.
I learned from her that sharing is loving... Since she is very generous to those who are needy, poor and homeless... "God is happy if we can make other people happy!", my best friend said.
Hola, tener FE y apoyar tú vida en la roca (Jesús)y pedirle a su Madre la Virgen (Inmaculada Concepción) que te acerca a Jesús (fuente de toda paz y alegria), es lo más importante en la vida.
ReplyDeleteThank for visiting my blog Sir Pedro. It is my pleasure to read your inspiring words. Yes, I do agree that Jesus is the source of PEACE AND EVERYTHING. Without Jesus in our hearts LIFE IS NOTHING... Through Mary, Jesus was born and dine with people. In the BIBLE- Jesus came to save sinners, He cured the leapers, blind, mute... He died on the cross for US ALL... HE LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY...