Saturday, March 30, 2013

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Gingoog City
West District II
Don Restituto Baol Central School
S.Y. 2012-2013

Lesson Plan in English V

I. Objective:
                                    At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the pupils will be able to:
a.       use the positive, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
b.      list the positive, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
c.       show awareness to the importance of learning the forms of adjectives

Values Integration: Accuracy

II. Subject Matter: Forms of Adjectives
A.    References: English Expressways page 188-191 (textbook V)
B.     Springboard: Comic Strip
C.     Materials: Charts, flashcards, different size of papers, pictures
D.    Strategies: ADIDS, Carousel

III. Learning Experiences

                                    Teacher’s Activity                                                          Pupil’s Activity

A.    Preliminary Activity
1. Checking of attendance
-Class, let us check the attendance. Who is the beadle in this class?

-Okay, Pauline please report to us the number of absent today and the number of present.

-Thank you Pauline.

-Maam, Pauline is the beadle of this class.

-(Pauline does the report of attendance)

-You are welcome Teacher May.

2.      Checking of Assignments
-Everybody, please pass your assignments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Everybody please have a seat; just pass your assignments forward.

-Thank you!

-Here Teacher May.

-Welcome teacher.
                        3. Review: Adjective
-Class, did you remember the story about Mariang Makiling?
-Okay, anyone from the class who can tell to us who is Mariang Makiling?
-Very good! Anyone can describe Maria Makiling?
-Alright, very good! What do we call kind, white, and generous in parts of speech?

-Yes maam.

-Maam, she is a fairy.

-Maam, she is king, white and generous.

-Maam, those are adjectives.



- Class, let us sing a song entitled “Deep, deeper, deepest”
-Yes maam!

B.     Presentation
-Class, I need three volunteers for the comic strips. Anybody who wants to volunteer just to read the comic strips written on the Manila paper. Anyone who wants to become JOY, NORA AND MOTHER?

-Alright, please read your line.

(three pupils volunteer to become JOY, NORA and MOTHER)

                JOY: My skin is smooth.
                NORA: Ana’s skin is smoother than Joy.
                MOTHER: My baby’s skin is the smoothest.

                        Discussion for the comic strip
-How is Joy’s skin described?
-Okay, well said! Who is compared to her?
-How many compared to the baby’s skin?
-Okay, anyone from the class knows of what do we call the SMOOTH, SMOOTHER and SMOOTHEST?
-Alright, those are called the Forms of Adjectives. We have the positive form, comparative form and superlative form
-Maam, smooth.
-Maam, Ana’s skin.
-Maam, there are many skin compared to the babay’s skin.
-No maam.

                        Activity 2
-To cite a very good example, I need three volunteers only. Please come here in front.
-Okay class, please describe the three pupils.

-Very good class!

(three volunteers come to the front)

-Maam, Pauline is tall.
-Maam, Cherry is taller than Cathy.
-Maam, Cherry is the tallest among the three.

                        Activity 3
-I have here notebook, book and a piece of paper. Which among the three is the thickest?

-How about the notebook and the paper? Which of the two is the thicker?
- Who can describe the piece of paper?

-Maam, the book is the thickest among the three.

-The notebook maam.

-The piece of paper is thick maam.

(The teacher shows her board work on regular adjectives)


                        (Two or more syllables)
more graceful
most graceful
more tolerant
most tolerant
more charming
most charming

-Okay class, do you know about the degrees
 of comparison?
-Alright, what is a positive degree?

-How about the comparative degree?

-How about the superlative degree?

-Yes maam.
-Maam, positive degree is used to describe only one person, place or thing.
-Maam, comparative degrees is used to compare 2 or more persons, places or things.
-Superlative degree is used to compare three or more persons, places or thigs.
                        Practice Drill (Group work)
Carousel (This is a round robin activity where the teacher sets a time limit on answering the activity   sheets).
1. The activity sheets are stationary.
                                 2. In the first round, each group answers the adjectives assigned to their group.
3. After the first round, pupils move on to the next activity sheet to answer their               respective columns of adjectives.
                                 4. At the third round, the activity sheets are completely answered.
                                 5. Reporting by group will follow.
                                 ACTIVITY SHEET











                  IV. Evaluation
                                  Use the following adjectives in sentences. Write it on a one half sheet of paper.
1.      smooth
2.      pretty
3.      stronger
4.      smaller
5.      most difficult
                  V. Agreement 
                                 Write a simple paragraph using the forms of adjectives.

                       Prepared by: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                     Prepared to: Mrs. Violeta D. Tabancura
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Gingoog City
West District II
Don Restituto Baol Central School
S.Y. 2012-2013

Lesson Plan for Final Demonstration in English IV

I. Objective:
                                    At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the pupils will be able to:
a.       distinguish between a fact and an opinion
b.      identify a fact and an opinion statement base on the story read
c.       evaluate exactly and correctly the fact from opinion

Values Integration: Respect

                        II. Subject Matter: Distinguishing Between a Fact and an Opinion
A.    References: BEC   PELC #
                               English for You and Me page 177-182
                              Reading for Meaning page 219-230
B.     Springboard: Story about “The Grasshopper”
C.     Materials: Charts, Candies, Picture of the Grasshopper, Match box
D.    Strategies: Cooperative Learning, Pick and Tell, Guessing Game, Experiential Learning

III. Learning Experiences

                           Teacher’s Activity                                                          Pupil’s Activity

A.    Preliminary Activity
1. Checking of attendance
-Class, let us check the attendance. Who is the beadle in this class?

-Okay, Bernabe please report to us the number of absent today and the number of present.

-Thank you Bernabe.

-Maam, Bernabe is the beadle of this class.

-(Bernabe does the report of attendance)

-You are welcome Teacher May.

2.      Checking of Assignments
-Everybody, please pass your assignments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Everybody please have a seat; just pass your assignments forward.

-Thank you!

-Here Teacher May.

-Welcome teacher.
                        3. Review: Using Adverb of Place and Time
-Class, What was our lesson last meeting?

-Anybody can tell to the class the definition of the word adverb.

-Yes please.
-Teacher, our lesson last meeting was all about “Using Adverb of Place and Time”.

-Teacher! I want to define.

-( The pupil gives the definition)

               (The unwrapping of gift will follow. Gift with the sentences are inside When the music stops,   the one who holds the gift will read the sentence then tell to the class what adverb is being used).



-Class, let us have some fun this morning. Let us enjoy the game! Class, class, class?

- I want to group you into 5. Each group must have a leader, secretary and a reporter. Each group will be given this envelop. Each group must form the puzzle picture. The group who will form the picture first will be given a box of chocolates. Is my instruction clear class.

Group 1- Picture of a bag
Group 2- Picture of a book
Group 3- Picture of a pencil
Group 4-Picture of a notebook
Group 5-Picture of a bicycle

-Yes, yes, yes!

 -Yes Teacher May!

C.     Presentation: Story about “The Grasshopper”

-What is this class?

-Have you seen grasshopper in your garden?

-Alright, very good class! In this story, you will know more about the grasshopper. Okay, Juicy Pie, please read the story.

-Wow! A picture of a grasshopper Teacher May!

-Yes Teacher May!

The Grasshopper
The grasshopper has three body parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. On its head are found the eyes, the mouth parts, and the two antennae. The wings and the legs are attached to the thorax.
            Do you know why this insect is called a grasshopper? It lives where there are plenty of grasses. It just jumps and hops from one blade of grass to another. It has six legs-two big legs that have sharp thorns. The grasshopper can jump high because of its strong, long legs.
            The grasshopper has four wings-two upper or outer wings and two lower ones. The outer wings that are hard and stiff spread out straight when the grasshopper flies. When it is flying, it is a beautiful sight with its soft wings spread out like a fan. These wings are the two lower ones. They are soft and thin. They are the ones that produce a cracking sound.
             The grasshopper has big eyes. Its eyes cover almost all the two sides of its head. They are called compound eyes. They are so-called because they armed up of thousands of little eyes. They enable the grasshopper to see far objects.
            The grasshopper eats grass. When it begins to eat, it uses its two front teeth to hold the grass. Grasshoppers are great eaters of leaves and plants. They are very destructive to our plants especially rice. But it does not store food like ants.
           The grasshopper has no lungs. It has a series of air holes in the covering of its body. Air flows into these holes. All the tubes and other spaces in its body are always filled with air. When the grasshopper drops into a body of water it easily drowns because water readily enters these spaces. If you happen to catch a grasshopper, observe its parts.
                                                                                    Adapted from Building English Skills

Activity 1

1. The grasshopper has an abdomen. People and animals have an abdomen too. Which of the following is a synonym of abdomen?
a. mouth          b. stomach       c. legs
2. Ants store food for the rainy days. The grasshopper does not store food. When you store something what do you do?
a. save             b. buy              c. give 
3. When the grasshopper spreads out its wings and flies, its wings are hard and stiff. Stiff objects are ___
a. difficult to bend      b. easy to bend                        c. short and crooked
4. The grasshopper makes a crackling sound when it flies. A crackling sound ____
a. cannot be heard       b. is a sharp sound       c. is soft

Value infusion:
5. It is stated in the story that grasshoppers does not store food, is it good to be like a grasshopper? Why?

C. Discussion


something that can be proven true
tells how a person thinks, feels or  believes

contains words such as maybe, perhaps, probably

true information about something

Examples of  a FACT              
      Examples of an OPINION              
1. Cloud 9 is a chocolate.
2. Grasshoppers have six legs.
3. The grasshopper eats grass.
4. The grasshopper has three body parts; head, thorax and abdomen.
5. The grasshopper has four wings.

 1. I think white chocolate is more delicious than   black chocolates. 
2. Maybe chocolate is more delicious than bread.
3. I believe that Teacher May will give the chocolates to the behave children later.
4. Probably the grasshopper is a beautiful sight to everyone.
5.  Maybe Teacher May loves to play with the grasshopper.

Group Activity   
-Alright class, I want to group you into five. Each group will receive an envelope. Inside are sentences. Each group must choose a leader, secretary and reporter to list down all your answers. From the given sentences, you must distinguish which is fact and which is an opinion. Is the instruction clear class?

-Yes Teacher May!

Group 1
                        _____ 1.The Horse has four legs.
                        _____2. Maybe horse can fly.
Group 2
                                     ______1. The Carabao has four legs.
                                    _____  2. Probably Carabao can dance.
                        Group 3
                        _______1. The Pig has four legs.
                        _______2. Perhaps the pig is the greediest animal.
                        Group 4
                        _____1. The Cow gives milk.
                        _____2. Maybe, the milk from the cow is the more delicious than the milk from goat.
                        Group 5
                        _____1. Lion has four legs.
                        _____2. The Lion is the more dangerous than Tiger.

C. Application (Pick and Tell)
                        1. The sun is hot.
                        2. Sea water is salty.
                        3. I feel that it is nice to wear jacket.
                        4. Lynn is a girl.
                        5. Maybe, black is the favorite color of Teacher May.

D. Generalization
-Now class, what is the difference between a fact and an opinion?

-Excellent! Opinion has clue words. What are those words?


-Maam, fact is something that is true. While opinion tells how a person thinks, feels or believe.

-Maam, probably
-I think
-I believe

IV. Evaluation: Write if the given statements are a FACT or an OPINION. Answer directly.
1.      Mango, Durian, Apple are types of fruits.
2.      I think French Fries taste better with ketchup.
3.      Soccer and Table Tennis are both sports.
4.       Maybe Pizza is the best tasting foods.
5.      Elephant has four legs.

V. Assignment
Instruction: Write at least 3 sentences expressing facts and 3 sentences expressing opinions.

Prepared by: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                              Prepared to: Mrs. Annalee H. Mira

Department of Education
Region X
South District
Don Restituto Baol Central School

Lesson Plan for English V

I. Objective:
            At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the pupils will be able to:
a.       use the descriptive words and phrases in a sentence
b.      identify descriptive words in a selection heard
c.       show cooperation in the group activities

Values Integration: appreciation

II. Subject Matter: Forms of Adjectives
A.  References: English Expressways page 188-191 (textbook V)
B.     Springboard: Selection of the Story: Snow White
C.     Materials: Charts, flashcards, different size of papers, pictures
D.    Strategies: Cooperative learning, pick and tell

III. Learning Experiences

                 Teacher’s Activity                                                          Pupil’s Activity

E.     Preliminary Activity
1. Checking of attendance
-Class, let us check the attendance. Who is the beadle in this class?

-Okay, Pauline please report to us the number of absent today and the number of present.

-Thank you Pauline.

-Maam, Pauline is the beadle of this class.

-(Pauline does the report of attendance)

-You are welcome Teacher May.

3.      Checking of Assignments
-Everybody, please pass your assignments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Everybody please have a seat; just pass your assignments forward.

-Thank you!

-Here Teacher May.

-Welcome teacher.
            3. Review: Forms of Adjectives (Flashcards Presentation)
- Okay class, please read the words written on the flashcards.

-positive degree
-comparative degree
-superlative degree
-forms of adjective
-describing words



- Class, somebody from Canada sent this gift to us. What do you think is inside the gift?

-Anyone from the class, who is willing to volunteer to open the gift?

-Okay, please come to the front and please open the gift.
-Please read the words.

-Okay class, our new topic for today will be all about “Using a Descriptive Words and Phrases”

- Maam, food.
-Maam, chocolates!
-Maam t-shirt.

- Maam, I want to volunteer.

-Maam, there are words.

-Maam, “Using a Descriptive Words and Phrases”

F.      Presentation
-Class, Please read the selection and identify the descriptive words.

-Yes maam!

               My pet dog’s name is Brownie. He is a German Shepherd, one of the most popular breeds of dogs. He came from a long line of working dogs. Brownie is big in size. He always stays in the house protecting everybody in the family. Brownie likes to run and take-off on long walks all alone.               


1.      What are the descriptive words in the selection?
2.      What do they describe?
3.      What does Brownie like to do?

Sewing baby clothes, the queen was as busy as a bee.
Snow White’s lips were as red as blood.
Snow White’s hair was as black as ebony.
Snow White’s skin was as white as snow.

            Using the pattern as + adjective + as + noun
1.      as white as pearl
2.      as tall as a tree
3.      as soft as a cotton
4.      as colorful as the rainbow

Pick and Tell
·         as fragrant as perfume
·         as slow as a lamb
·         as round as a ball
·         as hot as the sun
·         as deep as the ocean
·         as high as the sky
·         as tall as the building
·         as rough as the rock surface
·         as hard as the cement

Group Activity
-Group 1, Group II, Group III and Group IV will report on the description of the given material/object.
Group I-flower
Group II-umbrella
Group III- leaf
Group IV- stone
-Is my instruction clear class?

-Yes maam!


Generalization (passing the ball)
-Okay class, I want you to read what is written on the ball. But, where is the ball? Can you help me to find the ball?
-Please read …

-Oh it’s a question! Who wants to answer?

-Okay, well said! Please make it into a sentence.


-Yes maam! Here it is!

-“What are the descriptive phrases that we have learned?”

-maam, as red as blood

-Pauline’ lips are as red as blood.

IV. Evaluation
            Supply the correct descriptive word to complete the sentences.
1.      Her teeth are as_______ as the chalk.
2.      Ana’s face is ________as the moon.
3.      Lina’s eyes are as_____ as the sun.
4.      Cora’s hair is as ______as the charcoal.
5.      He runs as___________ as the horse

V. Agreement 
        Ask pupils to read a news article or a showbiz report. Write down five sentences about it using    descriptive words.

Prepared by: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                                                 Prepared to: Mrs. Violeta D. Tabancura

Department of Education
Region X
South District
Don Restituto Baol Central School

Lesson Plan in English V

I. Objective:
            At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the pupils will be able to:
a.       identify the descriptive word in a paragraph heard
b.      write a descriptive paragraph
c.       appreciate the descriptive words

Values Integration: Self- confidence, Determination

II. Subject Matter: Forms of Adjectives                                                              
A.  References: English Expressways V pp. 173-175
B.  Springboard:  selected paragraph
C.     Materials: Charts, flashcards, different size of papers, pictures
D.    Strategies: pick and tell, cooperative learning

III. Learning Experiences

                 Teacher’s Activity                                                          Pupil’s Activity

D.    Preliminary Activity
1. Checking of attendance
-Class, let us check the attendance. Who is the beadle in this class?

-Okay, Pauline please report to us the number of absent today and the number of present.

-Thank you Pauline.

-Maam, Pauline is the beadle of this class.

-(Pauline does the report of attendance)

-You are welcome Teacher May.

4.      Checking of Assignments
-Everybody, please pass your assignments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Everybody please have a seat; just pass your assignments forward.

-Thank you!

-Here Teacher May.

-Welcome teacher.
            3. Review: Using Descriptive Words and Phrases
-Class, please read the words written on the flashcards.

-descriptive words     -phrases   -as red as blood
-as white as snow       -as high as the sky

          Motivation (Letter Coding)

- Class, I will group you into two. Each group will form a words based on the code of the letters.

-Okay maam!

           W___i___ng __ D__scr___p­___i___e P___ra___r____ph
               18    20        1      5       9    20    22        1      7        1
       A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F-6 G-7 H-8 I-9 J-10 K-11 L-12 M-13 N-14 O-15 P-16 Q-17 R-18 S-19 T-20 U-21 V-22 W-23 X-24 Y-25 Z-26
An Orphan
            Dondon is a lonely orphan. He sleeps in the cold corner of a dirty city. He wears rugged clothes. One day, a kind widow adopted him and sent him to a good school. Many years after, he became the best and the most successful engineer in the city.

-Class, what are the descriptive words in the paragraph?

-Very good class! What is the paragraph about?

-Okay, who is Dondon?

-Who adopted Dondon?

-Did Dondon succeed?

-What values that lead Dondon to success?


-lonely maam
-cold maam
-rugged maam
-kind maaam

-about Dondon maam

- He is an Orphan maam.

-kind widow maam

-Yes maam! He became a successful engineer in the city maam.

-Self-confidence and determination maam!



Paragraph is a group of closely related sentences which is developed into one topic following a   sentence.
Three Parts of the Paragraph
1.      Beginning sentence- attracts attention and gives idea of what is to follow.
2.      Middle sentence- develops the thought given in the first sentence.
3.      Ending sentence- either tells the last thing that happen or sums up what has been written in the middle sentence.

-Class, written inside the box is a question. Who wants to volunteer to read?

-Alright, please open the box.

-Okay, please answer.


-Maam, I want to volunteer to read and answer.

-“What are the three parts of the sentence?”

-The three parts of the sentence are Beginning sentence, Middle sentence and Ending sentence.

Application (Group Activity)
            The pupils will form a small group then; they will write a paragraph describing the following people.
            Group 1- Manny Pacquiao
            Group II- Leah Salonga
            Group III- Jose P. Rizal
            Group IV- Mr. Ben on the Cartoon Networks
            (The reporting will follow)

IV. Evaluation
                        Write a descriptive paragraph about your Christmas and New Year celebration.
V. Assignment
                        Write a descriptive paragraph about your best friend.

Prepared by: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                                                        Prepared to: Mrs. Violeta D. Tabancura

Department of Education
Region X
South District
Don Restituto Baol Central School

Banghay Aralin sa Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP V)

I.                   Layuning Tiyak
            Pagkatapos ng apatnapung minuto(40 minutes), 75% ng mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
a.       Nakapaglalapat ng atraktibong pangalan at presyo (Product Name Tag) ng proyektong nabuo.

II.                Paksa: Paggawa ng Product Name Tag
      Yunit: PELC c.8.2
      Reperensya: Umunlad sa Paggawa 5, page 221
      Kagamitan: tsart, totoong bagay
      Pagpapahalaga: pagsaalang-alang sa opinion ng iba
      Stratehiya: Cooperative Learning, Pick and Tell, Guessing Game

III.             Mga Pamamaraan
Mga Gawaing Guro                                                               Mga Gawaing Bata

A.    Paghahanda
1.      Tsekin/ kolektahin ang pinagkasunduan
-Okay class, ating itama ang mga nagawa n’yong assignment. Pakipasa nga mga bata.
-Okay, maraming salamat.

-Heto na po maam.

2.      Balik-aral (flashcard drill)
-Okay class, pakibasa nga sa mga salitang nakasulat dito.

-munting sira ng kagamitan
-pundidong ilaw
-mapurol na kutsilyo

B.     Pagganyak
-Class, ano ito?

-Ano ang pangalan sa produktong ito?

-Tama! Now class, may mga numero ako dito na may mga correspond letters. Ang gagawin nyo ay isulat n’yo sa mga patlang ang tamang letra para makabuo kayo ng salita. Malinaw ba ang instructions ko class?

-Okay, bibigyan ko kayo ng tstlong minuto para buoin ang salita.

-Okay, very good! Ano kaya sa palagay n’yo an ating tatalakayin ngayon?

-Tama! Ang ating bagong leksyon ngayon ay tungkol sa “PRODUCT NAME TAG”.

-Maam, mga pangalan ng produkto.

-Cloud 9 maam

-Yes maam!

(pagkatapos ng tatlong minuto)
-Maam, “PRODUCT NAME TAG” an gaming nabuong salita maam.

-Maam, tungkol po sa “PRODUCT NAME TAG”.

C.     Paglalahad

Product Name Tag- ito ay pangalan ng produktong nagawa. Ito ay may nakapaskil na presyo. Simple     at payak na desinyo lamang ang ginamit sa Product Name Tag.
            Mga Kahalagahang Duloy ng “PRODUCT NAME TAG” sa produktong ipagbibili:
1.      Nakakakuha ng atensyon sa mga mambibili
2.      Nakapagbigay buhay sa produktong ipinagbibili
3.      Para madaling maibinta ang produkto
4.      Para hindi na lagging tumatanong ang mga customer kung ano ang pangalan sa produkto
5.      Para mabigyan ng buhay at importansya ang produkto

(Subaybayan ang mga bata sa pagbuo ng “Product Name Tag” sa proyektong nais nilang ipagbibili)

Pick and Tell
Mga katanungan na nakasulat sa flaglet
-Ano nga ba ang product name tag?
-Bakit mahalaga na may “name tag” ang isang produktong ipagbibili?
-Anu-ano ang dapat isaalang-alang sa paglalagay ng “ Product Name Tag”?

D.    Paglalahat
-Bakit dapat lapatan ng “Product Name Tag” ang isang produkto lalo na kung ipagbibili?

IV.             Ebalwasyon
Lagyan ng tsek kung ang oahayag ay nagsasabi ng maayos na “Product Name Tag” at ekis naman kung hindi.
_____1. Malalabo na pagkaprinta sa pangalan ng paninda.
_____2. Matingkad na kulay sa papel ang ginamit.
_____3. May presyong nakapaskil sa name tag.
_____4. Maliliit na letra ang ginamit.
_____5. Simple at payak na desinyo sa “Product Name Tag”.

V.                Kasunduan
Konsepto: Paggawa ng Inbentaryo ng Proyektong Nailagay sa Tingiang Pangangalakal.

Inihanda ni: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                                  Inihanda para kay: Gng. Violeta D. Tabancura

Department of Education
Region X
South District
Don Restituto Baol Central School

Banghay Aralin sa Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP V)

I.                   Layuning Tiyak
            Pagkatapos ng apatnapung minuto(40 minutes), 75% ng mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
a.       Natutukoy ang mga sirang bahagi ng kasangkapan tulad ng paa ng silya, mesa, sirang gripo at iba pa.

II.                Paksa: Mga Munting Sira ng mga Kagamitan
      Yunit: PELC c.7.1
      Reperensya: Umuunlad sa Paggawa 5 pp. 90-91
      Kagamitan: tsart, totoong bagay, mga tunay na kagamitan sa bahay
      Pagpapahalaga: pagtitipid, pngangalaga sa mga kagamitan
      Stratehiya: Cooperative Learning, Pick and Tell, Guessing Game

III.             Mga Pamamaraan
Mga Gawaing Guro                                                               Mga Gawaing Bata

A.    Paghahanda
1.      Tsekin/ kolektahin ang pinagkasunduan
-Okay class, ating itama ang mga nagawa n’yong assignment. Pakipasa nga mga bata.
-Okay, maraming salamat.

-Heto na po maam.

2.      Balik-aral
-Class, ano ang kabutihang dulot sa pagkukumpuni agad sa mga sirang gamit sa bahay?

-Ano pa?

-Tama class!

-Maam, ito ay magbibigay ng saya.

-Maam, para hindi  lalong lumaki ang sira sa kasangkapan.

B.     Pagganyak
-Class. Saan natin ito ginagamit?
(picture ng gunting)
(picture ng kutsilyo)

-Very good class!
-Class, may mga kagamitan ako dito. Isa na ditto ang kinakalawang na gunting, ano kaya ang maari nating gawin nito?

-Tama! Itong sandok na may malwang na turnilyo, paano ninyo ito maiaayos?

-Tama! Ano kaya sa palagay n’yo ang bago nating leksyon ngayong umaga?

-Very good! Ang tatalakayin natin ngayon ay tungkol sa mga munting sira ng mga kagamitan.

-Maam, ang gunting ay para pamputol ng buhok.
-Maam, ang kutsilyo ay para panghiwa ng isda, karne, gulay at iba pa.

-Maam, linisin sa pamamagitan ng papel de liha.

-Maam, aayusin sa pamamamagitan ng screw driver.

-Maam, tungkol po sa mga munting sira ng kagamitan.

C.     Paglalahad (Pick and Tell)
(Hahayaang ang mga bata ang magbasa at sumagot sa mga tanong sa Pandura’s box) 
-Anu-ano ang mga kagamitang ginagamit araw-araw sa tahanan kaya kadalasang magkakaroon ng sira dahil parati itong ginagamit?
-Bakit kadalasang magkakaroon ng munting sira ang ilan sa ating mga kagamitan sa bahay?
-Paano ninyo maiiwasan ang medaling pagkasira ng inyong mga kagamitan sa bahay?

-Okay class, papangkatin ko kayo ng apat. Bawat grupo ay bibigyan ko ng mga tunay na kasangkapang may sira na. Hahayaan ko kayong maglista sa bawat sira ng bagay. Pagkatapos ay sabihin n’yo kung paano maiwasan ang madaling pagkasira sa bawat kagamitan. Maliwanag ba?

-Okay, Group 1- gunting na putol ang talim
            Group 2- kutsilyo na walang hawakan
            Group 3-cutter na putol ang hawakan
            Group 4-bolo na walang hawakan

-Opo maam.
(The group reporting will follow)

D.    Paglalahat (Box na may mga tanong)
-Clas, may box na pinadala si maam. Pero, hindi ko alam kung ano ang laman nito. Sino ang gusting bubukas nito at babasahin ang mga laman na katanungan.

-Okay, Jericho pakibasa nga.

-Very good Jericho!

-Oh! Ano pa ba ang mga tanong na yan?

- Bakit nga ba?

-Maam, ako po.

-Anu-anong mga kagamitan sa bahay ang madalas masira?
-Maam, ilaw, kutsilyo, gunting, mesa, silya

-Maam, may mga tanong pa sa box.

-Bakit ang mga ito ay madaling masira?

-Dahil hindi ginagamit ng maayos maam.

IV.             Ebalwasyon
Itambal ang kasangkapan sa Hanay A sa katumbas nitong sira sa Hanay B. Titik lamang ang isulat sa sagutang papel.

            HANAY A                                                                       HANAY B
 1.ilaw                                                                               a.tuklap
            2.gripo                                                                              b.pundido
            3. lababo                                                                           c.tumutulo
            4.kutsilyo                                                                          d.mapurol
            5.bubong                                                                           e.barado            

      V. Kasunduan
            Basahin in advance ang mga Kasangkapan at Kagamitan sa Paggawa

Inihanda ni: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                                  Inihanda para kay: Gng. Violeta D. Tabancura


Department of Education
Region X
South District
Don Restituto Baol Central School

Lesson Plan in English IV

I. Objective:
            At the end of the 60 minute period, 75% of the pupils will be able to:
a.       use words that describe persons, places and events
b.      write words that describe persons, places and events
c.       appreciate the words that describe persons, places and events

Values Integration: Good health/Love of the Nature

II. Subject Matter: Words that Describe Persons, Places and Events
A.    References: BEC   PELC # page 18, S.10
                    English for You and Me page 125
B.     Springboard: Poem “ALL”
C.     Materials: Poem Chart, Manila Paper Strips, Pentel Pen, Picture
D.    Strategies: Cooperative Learning, Pick and Tell, Guessing Game, Experiential Learning

II. Learning Experiences

                 Teacher’s Activity                                                          Pupil’s Activity

A.    Preliminary Activity
1. Checking of attendance
-Class, let us check the attendance. Who is the beadle in this class?

-Okay, Bernabe please report to us the number of absent today and the number of present.

-Thank you Bernabe.

-Maam, Bernabe is the beadle of this class.

-(Bernabe does the report of attendance)

-You are welcome Teacher May.

2. Checking of Assignments
-Everybody, please pass your assignments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Everybody please have a seat; just pass your assignments forward.

-Thank you!

-Here Teacher May.

-Welcome teacher.
            3. Review: Using Action Words
-Class, What was our lesson last meeting?

-Anybody can give to us the example of an action word.

-Very good!
-Teacher, our lesson last meeting was all about action words.

-swim teacher
-dance teacher
-eat teacher


-Class, I want to group you into 4. Each group will be given words with missing letter. Please, find the letters below the words to complete the word. Is my instruction clear class?

          4         1          3  9          18    14        1
A_D EVE__T__
  14          14   19
A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F-6 G-7 H-8 I-9 J-10 K-11 L-12 M-13 N-14 O-15 P-16 Q-17 R-18 S-19 T-20 U-21 V-22 W-23 X-24 Y-25 Z-26
(After 3 minutes)
-Class, what words did you form?

-Very good! Now class, what do you think our new topic for today?                                                

-Excellent class!

-Yes Teacher May!

-“Words that Describe Persons, Places and Events”

-Maam, it’s all about “Words that Describe Persons, Places and Events”

B. Presentation of a poem
Atis, mangoes, bananas ripe,
All are sweet fruits I like to bite
Fruits so worthwhile for you and me,
They make us healthy, as we should be.

Red and yellow, orange and blue,
All are pretty colors very bright, too,
Colors that make surroundings glow,
Though weather-beaten still shining so.

Carlo, Paulo, Patrick, and Kevin, too,
All are good boys and best friends true.
And as good friends they all stay.
Father, mother, sis and brod I call,
They’re my family, I love them all.

Activity 1
-In a box class are questions. Please pick one and answer orally. Who wants to volunteer?

-Alright, very good!

-Maam, I want to volunteer.
Questions inside the box
·         What are the fruits mentioned in the poem?
·         What are the tastes of the fruits?
·         What are the colors mentioned in the poem?
·         Who are good boys?
·         Who makes up the family?

Activity 2 (Group Activity)
-I want to divide you into 4. Each group must have a leader, secretary and a reporter. Each group must pick the words that describe your group. Is my instruction clear? For group 1- Fruits, Group 2- Colors, Group 3- Good Boys, Group 4- Family.

-Yes maam!
                                    DESCRIBING WORDS       WORDS THEY DESCRIBE
            Stanza 1           ripe, sweet, healthy,                children, man, atis, mangoes, bananas, fruits
            Stanza 2          red, yellow, orange, blue,         Surroundings, weather, colors
                                    pretty, bright, glow, shining   
            Stanza 3          good, best, true, better              boys, friends, and day
C. Generalization
-Class, what do we call the words that describe persons, places and events?


-Very good!

-Describing words maam!

-Adjective maam!

            Values Infusion:
-What things should we remember to have good health and love in the family?

-Very good!

-Eat the fruits maam!
-Be a good boy maam!

   (Picture of the mountain, the pupils will write on the chalkboard of what they observed/what they can describe).

IV. Evaluation
            Word Search
1.      Atis, mangoes, bananas are sweet when______.       b.ripe        c.rotten        d.old
2.      Eating fruits keep the children___________.
a.weak       b.healthy    c.alert          d.sleepy
3.      Red, yellow, orange and blue are_____colors.
a.bright      b.dull         c.dark          d.sweet
4.      The surroundings are full of _________flowers.
a.colorful   b.ugly        c.shining      d.bright
5.      Good friends make us_______.
a.sad          b.proud                  c.enemy       d.happy

V. Assignment
            Describe your best friend. Write 1-3 sentences only in a ½ sheet of paper.

Prepared by: Mayhadiel R. Zaballero                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Prepared to: Mrs. Annalee H. Mira